Setting up your reskinned game in iTunes Connect
This video shows you step by step how to do the initial setup of your reskinned game into iTunes Connect. It’s aimed at those of you who want to do this stuff yourself.
This is totally outsourceable, but its often useful to have an idea on what is involved in the process, and learn about app Id’s, certificates, app icons, and the like.
Apple make it a little more difficult than needed with app testing, in that you need to upload an initial icon and screenshot and do other initial setup steps before you can do proper testing of your app for in app purchases, etc. In an ideal world you would not have to do this until just before deploying the final version.
If you follow this step by step video, you should be in a good position to understand the process and even do it yourself if you decide it’s worth your time.
This step does not require a Mac computer, because no uploading of the game is taking place, or editing of anything in Xcode (the environment programmers use to edit the game source code).
Hope you get a lot out of the video.