Google just went live today with a new service called Helpouts.
This is where you can connect up and speak to someone live via video (or audio only). It’s a pretty neat service and the really cool thing about it is I got pre-selected as the Internets Reskinning Apps Expert!
Yes, Google approached me to offer helpouts on reskinning apps, so I’ve set my self up to do this. Gee ain’t it nice to be loved. Thanks Google 🙂
At the moment, I am offering free 15 minute consultations. This is your chance to talk to me one on one and ask any reskinning questions you have.
I am available to discuss virtually any aspect of reskinning, no question to easy or too hard – Just fire away. And if I cannot answer it on the spot, I’ll do some research and get back to you.
Accessing the Google service is really easy, just click below to be taken to my listing. There you can schedule a time. The service automatically converts the timezones, so the time you see when you are on the helpouts page should be the time for the helpout in your timezone.
Now at the moment, I’ve marked myself available for only a few hours per day, so you will want to book in something as soon as you can. I am pretty busy with reskinning apps for clients, but also love to speak to people and help out.
Make sure you arrive about 5 minutes before the scheduled time, because Google Helpouts requires you to load some software into your browser, and also you need to configure your video and/or audio sources. This can take a few minutes.
Be sure to check the settings for audio in Helpouts as well as your computer – Some people have had problems with the configuration of sound and its been because the settings are right for the computer but not helpouts.
Check the top right hand corner of the helpouts screen for settings if you are having any difficulties.
For obvious reasons, I cannot only extend the free consults for a limited time, I will have to start charging at some point. So book in now for a chat and lets get you moving ahead with your reskinning!
And of course, don’t forget if you are looking for help with your next reskinning apps project and don’t want/need to use the consultation, you can also contact me below
My Contact page